We Are Renovating!
We have expanding downstairs to be our high school, opening 9th and 10th grades for the 2024-2025 school year! The floors have been refurnished, walls repainted, and more!
To complete this renovation, we need your help! Your donations will make a lasting impact towards Adventist Christian Schools growth!
Invest in Excellence
By investing in Adventist Christian School, you expand the opportunities for each ACS student to learn and grow in the purpose of our mission: To reflect Jesus, to love all, to serve everyone, and to educate with excellence.
Donate Today!
Georgia Student Scholarship Organization
We are now partnering with Georgia SSO which gives Georgia taxpayers a dollar-for-dollar tax credit used to provide Georgia children with a school-choice learning experience.
-Form W-9 is available upon request
-Georgia SSO pledges are being accepted for 2025
To learn more about
Georgia SSO, visit online